Why Getting My Septum Pierced is a Good Idea. (A convincing essay for my mother)

Mia Dusenberry
3 min readJan 15, 2021


Reason #1

“Septum’s are not as likely to get infected as most piercings as there are plenty of mucous membranes (yuck) to fight off infection in your nose.” says PiercingMania.com, A Complete Guide to Septum Piercings. My last piercing, when I got my doubles done, I was 15 and took great care of my ears, every night and every morning I would clean them with a disinfectant and wash my hands before and after. I’m not like a neat freak or anything, I’m just not a big fan of germs

Reason #2

(this is not actually me)

When I was seven I begged my mom to let me get my ears pierced, because that’s what all the cool first graders were doing in 2011. So one weekend my mom drove me to Sweet & Sassy, this kid spa that used to be in the strip mall on Fullerton, to get my ears pierced. Now this place was fucking crazy, every little girl’s dream, it was covered in glitter and feathers, pink and green decorations were everywhere. There were even different stations where you could make your own perfume, like every 9 year old needs. One time for my friend’s birthday she wanted to have a Sweet & Sassy birthday party, and this was horrible timing for me because that’s when I was peeking in my tomboy phase.We also went to different schools so I didn’t know anyone there, anyway, we all met up at the Rock n Roll McDonalds downtown, very cool I know. Another thing that Sweet & Sassy does, is when they are hosting parties they often send out a limo to pick up the girls. This limo was a sight to see, painted bright pink and blasting whatever early 2000’s jam, with a giant Sweet & Sassy logo on the side, I was petrified. The whole day I had to sit through all this girly shit that I had absolutely no interest in. Rewind back to late January 2011, I was excited and ready, it was painless and quick. The following weekend I had my birthday party at a Chuck-E-Cheese, located in the same strip mall. I woke up that morning with blood on my pillow and a throbbing pain in my ear, I woke up my parents and watched my mom freak out as we drove to the ER. I sat down on the exam table and was told by a doctor that they had to cut open my ear lobe because my piercing got infected. He did it in the exam room and as it was happening, my father started to grow faint so the doctor moved me from the exam table and laid him there to rest, big baby. Still it was a good day, I had my party and got to show off my battle scars. And eventually I got my ears pierced again when I was 11 at the Claire’s in the Water Tower.

Reason #3

I will look so fucking cool. And even though people won’t be able to see it through my mask that only proves that I am doing it for me and not for the gaze of society. This will also help me overall because it will make me happy and I am the most productive when I am happy. So if you really think about it, this will help my grades.

Reason #4

It will be easy to hide from family members who oppose. The kind of septum I want allows me to flip it up into my nose for no one to see. And when we travel to see these family members, when it is fully healed, I can take it out completely and just put in a filler to keep the hole from closing and no one will ever know.

Reason #5

Scaring will not be an issue since this piercing will be in the inside of my nose, and the piercing will not be as painful since it only punctures through skin and not cartilage.

Reason #6

I really, really want one.

